Sometimes thinking feels a lot like sinking. Bellerive Wharf. March 2011.
I’ve been tired, oh so tired for such a long time now.
I seem to recall a time – somewhere about 1993 or so – where I wasn’t so tired all the time. Is this was it is to be getting old?
Is it fair that we’re ‘getting old’ at age sixteen?
Spring is like a perhaps hand, e.e.cummings
Spring is like a perhaps hand
(which comes carefully
out of Nowhere)arranging
a window,into which people look(while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here)and
changing everything carefully
spring is like a perhaps
Hand in a window
(carefully to
and from moving New and
Old things,while
people stare carefully
moving a perhaps
fraction of flower here placing
an inch of air there)and
without breaking anything.
Live is not fair. You are getting old(er).
Spring is starting here. That makes me tired too. Frühjahrsmüdigkeit. Do you know what's that?
I think what I have is more like Weltschmerz.
Weltschmerz, I like this german word, it is typical for Germanness.
Blitzkrieg, Doppelgänger, Ersatz, Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft, Götterdämmerung, Kitsch, Lumpenproletariat, Realpolitik, Schadenfreude, Sturm und Drang, verboten, Wanderlust, Weltanschauung, Wunderkind, and my very favourite…
Ersatz, Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft you use this, realy?
I know the very famouse Kindergarten.
And what about Krisenherd and Zeitgeist?
My honours thesis concentrated on the work of Habermas, so that really solidified it. Also, a large amount of work that I put into my (unfinished) PhD thesis concerned changing electoral patterns in Germany, so again, more German words!
Thus, I am known for dropping the odd Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft into conversation. I don’t use Zeitgeist though. Primarily because I am a snob. Zeitgeist was picked up by a lot of the pop culture commentators in the late ‘90s, so now a lot of people use it incorrectly. This annoys me, so I don’t use it.
Oddly enough, my ‘conversational’ German is abysmal. I’m too embarrassed to say anything beyond ”Guten Morgen” or ”Sprechen Sie Englisch?”