Flying foxes have come a long way. Simmons Park, Lindisfarne. October 2011.
Today's Sunday Top Five has seen the light and finally embraced a Biblical theme! You may be familiar with many people's favourite section of that rip-roaring book of Leviticus - essentially a book of rules premised on the notion that humans are constantly vulnerable to sin and defilement; and helpfully lists the kind of ritual and rules that pleases God. For those familiar with the amount of smiting that goes on in the Old Testament, you really don't want to fail to please God.
Perhaps the most
And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
In the spirit of such calm, rational and helpful lawgiving, I decided to choose My Other Five Favourite Laws From Leviticus That The Anti-Gay Crowd Need To Sharpen Up On!
And fair enough too, the dirty buggers!
Agreed. Anyone that mix-breeds animals affronts God! Fair dinkum, it makes me sick every time I look at my wife's collected on woollen blends. Two kinds of stuff SHOULD NOT mingle together!
Take note celebrity hairdresser Joh Bailey!
Fair points, well made. The sooner that the state enacts laws forbidding crayfish-eaters from legally entering into marriage the better!
Christians have been notoriously suspect in their intransigeance on this matter. Perhaps if we mutilated the phalluses of more man-children they'd be a little less tempted to lie with mankind as with womankind...