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If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.

Dead industry? Evans Street (at the back of Hunter Street). June 2012.

Another day another Q and A, stolen again from Sunday Stealing. Yes, it is The Imaginary Meme, Part Two

21. Have you felt that life is like being on a roller coaster?
My life would be a pretty boring rollercoaster if it were! If I had to compare it to something, it’d be more akin to the task of Sisyphus.

22. Favourite year so far?
One of 2001, 2002 or 2003. They were extraordinarily easy years, in retrospect. One will never see their kind again, I fear...

23. Do you consider yourself religious?
Not in the slightest.

24. How do you dress to impress?
I might consent to having my shirt ironed.

25. Have you ever been to Connecticut?
Alas, I have not.

26. Do you eat sushi?
Yes I do. I like it very much, especially dipped in wasabi.

27. Would you smoke pot providing there was no risk or driving involved?
I have no moral or ethical opposition to cannabis.

28. What do you think of Idol Winner Phillip Phillips??
I think that his parents displayed a distinct lack of creativity when it came to naming their child. A quick look at the Wiki tells me that he is actually ‘Phillip Phillips II’. I’m not sure whether that makes me have even more contempt for his parents or a great deal of admiration for them.

29. Do you believe that animals have souls?
As an animal, I don’t think that any of us have souls.

30. Who did you last talk to? Share, if you dare.
I spoke to Nancy about my timesheet.

31. What is one thing that always annoys you?
People who pretend to know things that they don’t know.

32. Do you believe in a higher being?
No. Not unless you include taller people.

33. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbour?
You’ve obviously never met any of my neighbours, asking a question like that!

34. Any plans for this weekend?
Not at this point (that I’m aware of).

35. Would you like to rule your country, if you could?
Not in its present form of government. The only manner in which I would consent to rule is that of ‘benevolent dictator’.

36. Do you like watching films about the nature of animals?
I do, very much.

37. What's the difference between love and/or lust?
A great deal. If one considers the work done in establishing the biological basis of ‘love’ in humans, most evolutionary psychology seems to agree that love is a mechanism that has developed to promote mutual parental support of children for an extended period. On the other hand, ‘lust’ is a powerful psychic force that produces an intense longing for an object or circumstance that fulfils a particular, more immediate, desire.

38. Do you have a soul?
As an animal, no, I don’t that that I do.

39. One best friend or many good friends?
The concept of a ‘best’ friend is one that’s always bemused me. Is it the same as ‘closest’? ‘Longest’? ‘Most faithful?’ I don’t know. I have few ‘friends’, so maybe I’m not the ‘best’ person to ask!

40. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion?
My understanding of the phenomenon is that it is not so much ‘spontaneous’ as much as ‘difficult to isolate and observe combustion’. Either way, if it does happen in humans, it is extremely unlikely to have any kind of paranormal explanation. But I am a drag in these matters.


Roddy said…
I like the extention to the chimney. It would help to disipate the smoke over a greater area.

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