Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.

The view east over Hobart. From Mount Wellington. May 2012.
In the spirit of today's first book, I'm going to keep these reviews brief!
One Minute Stories by István Örkény. Örkény's work is obviously an acquired taste. A little too bitter for my palate.
Nightwood, Djuna Barnes. Seemingly a classic in lesbian fiction. That might explain why this non-lesbian didn't enjoy this at all. Are they making love or arranging flowers? I certainly couldn't tell...
Waiting for the Barbarians, J.M. Coetzee. Fantastic stuff. This parable is universal, and just (if not more) relevant today than it was when first written. Really great stuff!

The view nor' nor' east over Hobart. From Mount Wellington. May 2012.
I could almost see your house at the end of Geilston Bay.