Too hot for standing in the sun. GrandvEwe Cheese, Birches Bay. January 2013.
Sunday Stealing: The (20) First (Questions) Meme
First Job:
Being born is always a challenging task.
First Real Job:
I consider the paper rounds that I slogged through the long hot Tasmanian summers to very much be a 'real job'.
First Volunteer Job:
Can you count that time I was a Primary School House Leader? I did give up a lot of recesses...
First Car:
I still haven't got one!
First Record:
The first that I'm told that I insisted upon getting was Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkel.
First Sport Played:
If you discount running about more generally or splashing in the water, it was most likely aussie rules football.
First Concert:
I am told that I attended a John Mayall concert as a little 'un.
First Country Visited:
Besides Australia? Thailand (for about 90 minutes). Beyond that, the UK.
First Kiss:
The little girl across the road.
First Speech:
I've never been too fussed by sharing my opinion with large groups.
First Girlfriend/ Boyfriend:
Well, that really depends on one's definition. You could construct that I married her.
First Encounter with a Famous Person:
I remember an early brush with Kevin Bartlett.
First Brush with Death:
Does Kevin Bartlett count? He kind of looks like death...
First House/Flat Owned:
Our current house. I'm not certain that you could say that we 'own' it yet though...
First Film Seen at a Cinema:
I'm pretty certain that it was The Muppet Movie. I have the vaguest of memories of the part where Animal grew really big and smashed the roof off a building.
First Media Appearance (Radio, Newspaper, TV):
Unless you could those brief moments of standing in the background of some event being covered, that would be a job that I had in 2008-10 where I did a fair bit of media. Primarily radio, but a lot of newspaper and TV stuff as well. It isn't that hard, even though the topics that I was regularly commenting on could be tricky.
First Hospital Stay:
I had a hernia operation when I was about 6-months old. Other than that, I've not had an overnight stay in a hospital (unless you count when Henry and Ezra were born - we were lucky enough to get a birthing suite all to ourselves).
First Book You Remember Reading:
Cripes, I don't know. I liked Bread And Jam For Frances very much.
First Pet:
A dog named "Scruffy".
First Election You Voted In:
That would be the 1996 Tasmanian State Election. I backed up the next week and voted in the 1996 Federal Election. Lost both times, unfortunately...