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Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.

Theme Thursday and something MAGICAL is in the air.

The last time that he saw Billy, he was being hit about the head and shoulders with a block of firewood. To be fair to the woman that was hitting him, Billy was not a very nice person.

Billy had a problem with his temper. He did not take kindly to rejection. This was a special challenge, because with Billy’s temperament (among other things) he regularly face people rejecting him.

Billy also had a problem with his vocabulary, his personal hygiene, his emotional intelligence, time management skills and his general sense of self. While these things are not unrelated to Billy’s assault; they offer an interesting insight into the nature of alienation in post-industrial societies, the failures of our modern welfare (post-welfare) state, the nihilism inherent in a capitalist, consumption-oriented world whereby success is measured by the wheels on your car, the size of your television set and the specific shade of orange on your girlfriend’s arm.

No, the story behind the assault isn’t MAGICAL, it isn’t even particularly interesting, but it is Billy’s.


George S Batty said…
maybe we could send Billy to a social training school and of course the person who was beating him the head.
Kris McCracken said…
I'm guessing that it is too late for him...
Unknown said…
I think that I've known a few Billys in my time, and they do tend to deserve a beat-down.
On the other hand...
alan1704 said…
Billy sounds like many people i know, they don't take kind to rejection. There is always hope.
Mrsupole said…
Well I honestly think our problems go back to the caveman times when he with the biggest club that could provide the best meat would be the one most sought after as a mate. Somehow they say this is built into our brain cells. And I guess it has never gone away.

I think I figured out why socialism truly never works is because there are still the top dwellers who basically just steal everything from the middle and bottom dwellers, but are worse because they really do not give anything worthwhile back to those from which they have stolen everything. And a government who steals from everyone in the name of taxes is worse then any possible capitalist who at least hopefully has earned some of which they have stolen. But either way when they have taken everything from the middle class and the poor who have nothing left to give and are sick of knowing they can never better their lot in life as long as those in charge keep taking and taking, well then comes the revolt of removing those doing the stealing through supposedly legal means. Hopefully we are now civilized enough to vote them out of office but I know in some places there seems no option but violence. And sadly we do not always know if those who are then put in charge are any better than those removed. Funny how those who advocate communism and socialism have no desire to move to China or Cuba or another country who does follow their beliefs. I think they would find the life they live is not as bad as the one the people in these countries live. I think life is not always greener on the other side, well unless of course you are living on the Communist side, then the grass is greener just about anywhere lease.

Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you for sharing this weeks ThemeThursday.

God bless.

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