In flight. Howrah Beach. March 2013.
Denver, David McKee: Even though I've read a LOT of children's books, I rarely review them. Here is an exception. Denver argues that rich people are better than poor people; poor people cannot be trusted (and are guileless idiots to boot); and that sharing is a very bad thing. Perhaps the worst thing that I have ever read. F.
A Spy in the House of Love, Anaïs Nin: I'm sure that this was frightfully shocking in the 1950s, but it's all a bit of a yawn these days. D.
Railway Maps of the World, Mark Ovenden: If you like history and you like maps, you're bound to like this lovely coffee table book. B.
Loser Takes All, Graham Greene: One of Greene's self-derided 'entertainments'. I enjoyed it. B-.