We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother
A quote from Shakespeare's Henry V today, although it could just as easily be from Henry McCracken.
As you can see in the photos below, Henry was initially reluctant to pose for today's portrait of the boys in the household. This reticence stems from our refusal to pay him ten thousand Euros for the ten minute photo shoot. His argument has been that if it’s good enough for Naomi Campbell, it is good enough for him. My counter argument runs along the lines of "if Naomi Campbell were my daughter, she's be out back in the wood shed getting a darn good strapping".
Despite the lack of a good strong strap or a woodshed, Henry conceded that perhaps Naomi Campbell was not the best role model to seek to emulate, and that he would happily comprimise and pose for a small bowl of lime jelly.
Not happy with the next shot, we upped our offer to one small bowl of lime jelly and two smarties. This resulted in the following photograph.
As you can plainly see, the stress of negotiations have ensured that I look like one of those radio contestants from the 1960s who stayed awake for six days to win a portable black and white television set. Not my finest hour, I should say. That said, Henry looks sufficiently haughty and Ezra was as compliant as only Ezra can be.
A success? Moderately, I guess.
Those boys are adorable!
Cheers, young father.
Most of us have gone through this and, speaking for myself, enjoyed every minute of it.
I'm sure that, although more sleepless night may lay ahead of you, you will only regret that they grew up so fast!!
2 boys and you will be a busy man :) Take care and enjoy the new memories that your family will create together.
Great and happy photos today!
The photoshoot is a sure shot success with my family n friends here in India :-)
greetings and loads of love for Henry n Ezra!!!
And nice poem in the next one, love the editing.
[Except the mandatory Henry violence just before bed, of course!]