So it is Theme Thursday again, and I am wondering if you can guess the theme?
If you guessed one of 'baby', 'computer' or 'mop of hair', you guessed wrong.
Today's theme is of course TOY, and my word, don't we have a lot of toys in our house. I would go so far as to say that we have far too many toys.
In my day, you were lucky to have a bit of broken glass and a rusty nail wrapped in newspaper to play with (and that had to serve for breakfast and dinner too), so the notion of these kiddies of mine rolling around in a veritable wonderland of rattles, cubes with bells in them, pop up tents, tricycles with needlessly elongated handles, singing (English) pots and pans, plastic animals, plastic rocks, plastic trees, small fisherpeople of indeterminate genders (but definite African ancestry), Apple computers with fiddly keys and balls balls BALLS is somewhat overwhelming.
Compounding my distress, every time that I endeavour to shed unnecessary toys, more appear! Did you know that Elmo has a garbage truck? Elmo also has a jeep, plane, train and combine harvester. Why does Elmo need all of these vehicles I ask Henry, and he just shrugs his shoulders.
The amusing thing is that the best toys of all prove to be things like a wooden chopstick with a sock tied to it, or a stool with a blanket thrown over, a pile of pillows in the living room. No, I’ve made up my mind, I’m gonna chuck out some of these toys!
They are so big and beautiful!!!! Congrats big father :)
of course any toys that i make are ok :P
I must be feeding Jen growth hormones...
We steer clear of any toys like that and try and play it safe. If in doubt, chuck it out, is my motto.
I still think the best toy is an empty oatmeal box(like Quaker) and a wooden spoon.
You are right in saying that these days kids have every conceivable thing to play with as compared to the previous generations.
Guess, it has something to do with better lifestyle as well as consumerism taking its toll on us.
The situation is pretty much same everywhere in the world.
Here in India (I am sure elsewhere too), we have shops selling stylised accessories for kids (Imagine!!!!) including monogrammed ones.
though, it is ok as long as kids have enough to play around with.
But in case you are determined to get rid of the extra toys, dont throw them out, just donate. Some other kid might not be as fortunate but he or she would sure appreciate receiving this gift.
(Hope I didnt sound like a preacher!!)
If you want to see what children can do, you must stop giving them things: it would surely contribute to making them better adults as well!
Cheers, Kris!
But another problem is like you pointed out the much can a child play with...and just because we have the ability to buy more should we?
Good luck Dad!
I agree that kids have far too many toys nowadays. And many of them don't ever seem to be satisfied.
Ah...a cardboard box with a blanket and a pillow. What bliss!
Elmo has needs, you know? What Elmo wants Elmo gets. Elmo loves your kiddies. Much. Much much. What else would you like to buy Elmo?