Here s the gang quite a few months back now. Henry didn't look like a roadie for the Greatful Dead and Ezra still had a basketball head. Jen pretty much looks the same, however. I myself have a few extra grey hairs.
Pros and Cons of Toddlers Part Six
Pro #5: They're EASY TO BEAT. Henry loves competitive games: hide and seek; chess; Connect Four; Brandings; Catch and Kiss; Scrabble; anything really. Him being a toddler means that I have an unsurpassed win ratio, as he isn't very good.
Con #4: They're TOO EASY TO BEAT. Winning without a challenge is just not fun. Seriously, this evening I had a good half hour of hide and seek, and Henry hid in the same two places over and over. Compounding this poor strategy was a tendency to giggle the whole time, and then shout "I'm here by the drawers" half a second after I start looking for him. He's just rubbish at it. Where's the glory in that kind of victory?
Do you remember the competitiveness of the games, when faced with defeat the games board was upended, finishing any chance of a result? A few reminiscences of my own.
We love our children no matter what.
Umm... Wait a second...
Sorry. Shouldn't skim over things like that.
Enjoy it while it lasts coz now my boys enjoy nothing less than scaring the living bejesus out of their poor old mother!
What goes around comes around....
I wish that I had gathered pictures like these as you and you brother grew
The boys are cute and Jen, as always looks great.
When will we see you in the family portrait?