I posted a few days ago some thoughts that I'd had about the noticeable sexism that can be found in the US Presidential pre-selection process. Without wanted to rehash it, I've been equally parts bemused, angered and depressed by some of my experiences online. Indeed, I've had a number of 'unpleasant' interactions in attempting to flag some of the inappropriate (read: sexist) attacks and assumptions on Clinton, or at least in trying to get people to at least self-identify that maybe some things should be 'out of bounds' in campaigning (like the t-shirt identifying Clinton as a prostitute). Generally speaking though, endeavouring to raise this doesn't seem to be provoking useful and thoughtful debate.
I'd like to think that I tread warily in these matters, and attempt to promote a good discourse rather than go in too heavy handed (at least on someone else’s blog!). But it appears to be to no avail, responses generally start at "Don't be so sensitive" to "fucking retard", "fucking idiot" or (my favourite) "you stupid fucking bitch" (I am a guy, BTW). And these occur in what are supposed to be "progressive" forums. I thought about posting a link to one of the nastier exchanges, but decided against it, because I actually don’t want to generate any sort of bounce in this guy’s traffic.
Anyway, the reason I'm going over it again is that someone forwarded on an interesting exposition on this from can be found on the Feministe website, titled "Why calling out misogyny matters". Anyone interested could well do have a look at what Zuzu has to say. It goes without saying that I agree with her, and would encourage everyone who encounters this sort of crap on line to 'call it out' when you see it, even if the response may well be as predictable as I've found. To me, to say nothing is far worse than to have no (obvious) effect.
I'd like to think that I tread warily in these matters, and attempt to promote a good discourse rather than go in too heavy handed (at least on someone else’s blog!). But it appears to be to no avail, responses generally start at "Don't be so sensitive" to "fucking retard", "fucking idiot" or (my favourite) "you stupid fucking bitch" (I am a guy, BTW). And these occur in what are supposed to be "progressive" forums. I thought about posting a link to one of the nastier exchanges, but decided against it, because I actually don’t want to generate any sort of bounce in this guy’s traffic.
Anyway, the reason I'm going over it again is that someone forwarded on an interesting exposition on this from can be found on the Feministe website, titled "Why calling out misogyny matters". Anyone interested could well do have a look at what Zuzu has to say. It goes without saying that I agree with her, and would encourage everyone who encounters this sort of crap on line to 'call it out' when you see it, even if the response may well be as predictable as I've found. To me, to say nothing is far worse than to have no (obvious) effect.
Bloody hell, I’m sounding like Desmond Tutu! (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)
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The Guardian forums are a good case in point. You once saw a lot of really vibrant discussion in there, but now it’s all either one-sided vitriol or a few people on polar opposite positions taking pot shots at each other.
Not here though!